Crystal Reports Version 7 2017 And Torrent
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- Crystal Reports Version 7 2017 And Torrent Download
In this wiki I'd like to clarify the confusion regarding the different versions of Crystal Reports and what version of Visual Studio .NET they work with.
The crystal reports were created using the developer version CR XI R2 and these reports will get generated for different parameters in using windows application in.Net Framework 3.5. The Windows application that generates the reports various reports has reference to DLL's CrystalReports.Engine and CrystalDecisions.Shared. Right click on the downloaded Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2017 file and click Open. Note: Make sure all Visual Studio versions installed on your system are not running during installation. The WinRAR self-extracting archive file will first extract its contents and then the installation will start.
As with most of my other wikis, I use a simple matrix that describes all the possible scenarios. Please note that the matrix only goes back to Crystal Reports version 9.1. Personally, I would not even try versions earlier than 9.1. Not to mention that earlier versions of Crystal Reports are not supported in any version of .NET.. However if you have success, please do post your findings in our forums.
CR Product Name | Assembly Version | Install Configuration | VS .NET Supported Version | Distribution / Runtime |
CR 9.1 for .NET 2002 | 9.1.3300.0 | C:Program FilesCommon FilesCrystal Decisions1.0Bin | 2002 | Managed.MSM, RegWiz.msm, Database_Access.msm, Database_Access_ENU.msm |
CR 9.1 for .NET 2003 | 9.1.5000.0 | C:Program FilesCommon FilesCrystal Decisions1.0Bin | 2003 | Crystal_Database_Access2003.msm Crystal_Database_Access2003_enu.msm Crystal_Manged2003.MSM Crystal_Regwiz2003.msm |
CR 9.2.x | 9.2.3000.0 | C:Program FilesCommon FilesCrystal Decisions2.0Bin | 2002, 2003 | CRNETRuntime.MSM Mapping.MSM ReportEngine.MSM License.MSM |
CR 10.0.0.x | 10.0.3300.0 | C:Program FilesCommon FilesCrystal Decisions2.5Bin | 2002, 2003 | Crystal10.NET.WebServiceReporting.msm, Crystal10.NET.EmbeddedReporting.msm, Crystal10.NET.RemoteReporting.msm |
CR 10.2 for .NET 2005 | 10.2.3600.0 | C:Program FilesBusiness ObjectsCommon2.7Bin | 2005 | CRRedist2005_IA64.msi (64 bit Itanium), CRRedist2005_X64.msi (64 bit Intel), CRRedist2005_x86.msi (BootStrapper), CRRedist2005_x86.msm, CRRedist2005_x86.msi |
CR 10.5 for .NET 2008 | 10.5.3700.0 | C:Program FilesBusiness ObjectsCommon2.8bin | 2008 | CRRedist2008_ia64.msi (64 bit Itanium), CRRedist2008_x64.msi (64 bit Intel), CRRedist2008_x86.msi (BootStrapper) |
CR 11.0.0.x | 11.0.3300.0 | C:Program FilesCommon FilesCrystal Decisions3.0Bin | 2002, 2003 | Dericam search tool for mac. Crystal11_Net_EmbeddedReporting.msm, CrystalReports11_NET_EmbeddedInstall.msi |
CR 11.5.0.x | 11.5.3300.0 (11.5.3700.0)* | C:Program FilesBusiness ObjectsCommon3.5bin | 2002,2003,2005 | CrystalReports11_5_NET.msm, CrystalReports11_5_NET_2005.msm, CrystalReports11_5_maps.msm, CrystalReports11_5_NET.msi, CrystalReports11_5_NET_2005.msi, CrystalRedist115_X86.msi |
CR 12.0.0.x | 12.0.1100.0 (12.0.2000.0)* | C:Program FilesBusiness ObjectsBusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0win32_x86 | 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008 | CRRuntime_12_0.msm, CRRuntime_12_0_mlb.exe, CRRuntime_12_0._mlb.msi |
CRVS20xx | 13.0.2000.0 | C:Program Files (x86)SAP BusinessObjectsCrystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0CommonSAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0win32_x86 | 2010 → 2019 | See this Download WIKI fro more info on which Service Pack supports which version of Visual Studio: |
CRVS20xx | 13.0.3500.0 | C:Program Files (x86)SAP BusinessObjectsCrystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0CommonSAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0win32_x86 | 2010 → 2019 | See this Download WIKI fro more info on which Service Pack supports which version of Visual Studio SP 26 |
CRVS20xx | 13.0.4000.0 | C:Program Files (x86)SAP BusinessObjectsCrystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0CommonSAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0win32_x86 | 2010 → 2019 | See this Download WIKI fro more info on which Service Pack supports which version of Visual Studio SP 27 |
* Indicates version of assemblies for framework 2.0 and 3.5
For more information including latest download links for Merge Module files, see the 'Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET Runtime Distribution - Versions 9.1 to 12.0' wiki here:
Another useful wiki maybe 'What versions of Crystal Reports are supported on Windows Vista in VS .NET?' available at this link:
For more help, don't forget to search the SAP notes:
- SAP Crystal Server 2011 is the next generation of SAP Crystal Reports Server 2008 – and it is now faster, easier to use, and more comprehensive than ever before.
- Crystal Report 8.5 has exceled at publishing data and you can create presentation-quality reports and publish those reports to the Web within no time. Crystal Report 8.5 can easily deliver rich and interactive content through Web by using Web reports that go far beyond the static tables and forms.
and downloads:
Software Forces is the leading manufacturer of business intelligence / enterprise reporting tools and solutions for SAP Business Objects (formerly Crystal Decisions) Business Intelligence (BI) and Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) products.
Software Forces products for SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI (formerly Crystal Enterprise and Seagate Info) and Crystal Reports are used by over 1,000 organizations in over 60 countries.
Our .rpt Inspector product has been called the 'must-have' tool by anyone that has multiple Crystal Reports to manage, analyze, standardize, and document.

Announcement: .rpt Inspector Professional Suite and .rpt Inspector Enterprise Suite are now in End Of Life (EOL) status.
.rpt Inspector Online, a new FREE cloud / SaaS product is now in public beta open to all available here: .rpt Inspector Online
.rpt Inspector Online runs in modern browsers (Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are supported, Internet Explorer support may be offered later) and supports Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 as well native support for Crystal Reports 2016 down to Crystal Reports 8.5 reports.
.rpt Inspector Online includes analysis, documentation tools, and now Change Data Source and Formula Editor features with additional in development. It is our intention to gradually add additional features, and have feature parity with the desktop tools (where possible) in later versions.Synopsis
There are numerous service packs and fix packs for each version of Crystal Reports. How can you tell which version(s) you have installed?Solution
If you open your Crystal Reports designer and go to HELP ABOUT, you'll see a version number listed. But how do you tell the service pack level installed?We've compiled a table of Crystal Reports versions and their Service Pack / Fix Pack levels.Also available:Known BusinessObjects Enterprise versions and service pack levelsKnown Crystal Enterprise versions and service pack levels (coming soon)Click on the section title below to expand / collapse it.Beta Shipment: 05/24/2010
Release to Customer: 11/26/2010
General Availability: 09/16/2011
End of Mainstream Maintenance: 12/31/2015
End of Priority One Support Phase: 12/31/2017', 'right center', 'right center');'>SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise
Beta Shipment: 05/24/2010
Release to Customer: 11/26/2010
General Availability: 08/31/2011
End of Mainstream Maintenance: 12/31/2015
End of Priority One Support Phase: 12/31/2017', 'right center', 'right center');'>SAP Crystal Reports 2011
You find the patches, support packs, and feature packs for the above Crystal Reports 2011 product on the SAP Service Marketplace in the Support Packages and Patches area by logging with your SAP account. Additionally, some of these are available publically here: On SCN in the Recent Product Updates for SAP Crystal Reports: On SAP Business Objects Support Software Downloads:
Release to Customer: 11/12/2010
General Availability: 11/12/2010
End of Mainstream Maintenance: 03/31/2015', 'right center', 'right center');'>SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010
Release to Customer: 10/06/2008
General Availability: 10/06/2008
End of Mainstream Maintenance: 12/31/2015
End of Priority One Support Phase: 12/31/2017', 'right center', 'right center');'>Crystal Reports 2008
Crystal Reports XI (Release 2)
If you have a license to Crystal Reports XI (Release 1) you can download Crystal Reports XI Release 2a with Service Pack 4 (a 1.2GB ZIP download) directly from SAP BusinessObjects for FREE (keep reading). As posted on: Starting June 3, 2011 :: All Service Packs and Fix Packs for Crystal Reports XI R1 and XI R2 have been replaced with Crystal Reports XI R2A. Download links for CR XI R2A are specified below: Crystal Reports XI R2A SP4 Full Build - For users who need to upgrade from CR XI R1 to CR XI R2A Crystal Reports XI R2A SP4 Incremental Build - For users with existing CR XI R2 installation - with Serice Pack 3 or lower Crystal Reports XI R2A SP6 Incremental Build - For all users wishing to update their CR XI R2 or CR XI R2A install to Service Pack 6 (Recommended) For more information on updating to Crystal reports XI R2A see the blog Where did all the Crystal Reports XI R1 and R2 fixes go?.
Crystal Reports XI (Release 1)
Crystal Reports 10
Crystal Reports 9
Crystal Reports 8.5
Additional sources
Public SAP download site for Service Packs, Support Packs, Fix Packs for Crystal Reports 4, Crystal Reports 4.5, Crystal Reports 5, Crystal Reports 6, Crystal Reports 7, Crystal Reports 8, Crystal Reports 8.5, Crystal Reports 9, Crystal Reports 10, Crystal Reports for VS .NET 2005, Crystal Reports XI, Crystal Reports XI Release, Crystal Reports for VS .NET 2008, and Crystal Reports 2008 are available here: From: From: From: From: Above link now appears to be dead, this link has an updated table and additional details: Studio | Crystal Product | Service Pack | dll Version | File Version* |
VS2003 | Bundled Crystal | - | 9.1.5000.0 | 9.1.9800.0 |
VS2003 | Bundled Crystal | SP1 | 9.1.5000.0 | 9.1.9800.1 |
VS2003 | Bundled Crystal | SP2 | 9.1.5000.0 | 9.1.9800.9 |
VS2003 | CR-XI | - | 11.0.3300.0 | 11.0.9500.50 |
VS2003 | CR-XI | SP1 | 11.0.3300.0 | 11.0.9500.54 |
VS2003 | CR-XI | SP2 | 11.0.3300.0 | 11.0.9500.62 |
VS2003 | CR-XI | SP3 | 11.0.3300.0 | 11.0.9500.65 |
VS2003 | CR-XI | SP4 | 11.0.3300.0 | 11.0.9500.65 |
VS2003 | CR-XIR2 | Base Build | 11.5.3300.0 | 11.5.9500.313 |
VS2003 | CR-XIR2 | SP2 | 11.5.3300.0 | 11.5.9508.826 |
VS2003 | CR-XIR2 | SP3 | 11.5.3300.0 | 11.5.9509.1076 |
VS2003 | CR-XIR2 | SP4 | 11.5.3300.0 | 11.5.9510.1263 |
VS2003 | CR2008 | - | 12.0.1100.0 | 12.0.1100.549 |
VS2003 | CR2008 | SP0 | 12.0.1100.0 | 12.0.1100.683 |
VS2005 | Bundled Crystal | - | 10.2.3600.0 | 10.2.51014.0 |
VS2005 | Bundled Crystal | SP1 | 10.2.3600.0 | 10.2.52001.1823 |
VS2005 | CR-XI-R2 | SP2 | 11.5.3700.0 | 11.5.9708.826 |
VS2005 | CR-XI-R2 | SP3 | 11.5.3700.0 | 11.5.9709.1076 |
VS2005 | CR-XI-R2 | SP4 | 11.5.3700.0 | 11.5.9710.1263 |
VS2005 | CR-XI-R2 | SP5 | 11.5.3700.0 | 11.5.9711.1470 |
VS2005 | CR-XI-R2 | Base Build | 11.5.3700.0 | 11.5.9700.313 |
VS2005 | CR2008 | - | 12.0.2000.0 | 12.0.2000.549 |
VS2005Plants vs zombies garden warfare 2 mac free download. | CR2008 | SP0 | 12.0.2000.0 | 12.0.2000.683 |
VS2005 | CR2008 | SP1 | 12.0.2000.0 | 12.1.2000.882 |
VS2008 | Bundled Crystal | - | 10.5.3700.0 | |
VS2008 | CR2008 | SP0 | 12.0.2000.0 | 12.0.1100.0 |
VS2008 | CR2008 | SP1 | 12.0.2000.0 | 12.1.2000.882 |
Product | Hot Fix Applied? | Optional Add-Ons | Assembly Version | File Version |
Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET 2002 | no | none | 9.1.3300 | 9.1.9360 |
Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET 2002 (patched) | yes | none | 9.1.3300 | 9.1.9466 |
Crystal Reports 9 | no | RAS 9 | 9.2.3300 | 9.2.9466 |
Crystal Reports 9.2 (maintenance release) | yes | RAS 9 | 9.2.3300 | 9.2.9500 |
Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET 2003 | no | none | 9.1.5000 | 9.1.9800.0 |
Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET 2003 (patched) | yes | none | 9.1.5000 | 9.1.9800.0 |
Crystal Reports 10 | no | RAS 10 | 10.0.3300.0 | 10.0.9500.0 |
Crystal Reports 11 | no | RAS 11 | 11.0.3300.0 | 11.0.9500.0 |
Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 | no | none | 10.2.3600.0 | 10.2.51014.0 |
Crystal Reports for Borland C# | no | none | 9.1.5000 | 9.1.9800.0 |