Bridge Squeezes Complete Software
Larry Cohen's Best Bridge Deals
Available for download in an eBook Edition
Bridge squeezes complete is an authoritative material on squeezes written by Professor Love. It has been re-done by Linda lee etc. A must read for any aspiring bridge player. Bridge Squeezes Complete Software Deep Freeze Standard Full Download Bentley Microstation Ragnarok Game Online Wargames Foundry American Civil War Unipolar Stepper.
Bridge Squeezes Complete (New edition) - Clyde E. Love384 pages, paperback - aimed at Advanced playersThis book was first published in 1959, and quickly became one of the classics of the game. Generations of bridge players have learned the fundamentals of squeeze play from Love.
Bridge Squeezes Complete is a book on contract bridge written by Ann Arbor, Michigan-based mathematics professor Clyde E. Love, originally published in 1959. Written in a 'dry, mathematical way', it is still considered one of the most important bridge books ever written and the squeeze vocabulary Love invented remains the basis for all discussions of squeezes. Kostenlos bridge squeezes complete herunterladen bei UpdateStar - 1.746.000 bekannte Programme - 5.228.000 erkannte Versionen - Software-Nachrichten Startseite. Bridge Squeezes Complete: This interactive software adaptation of Clyde E Loves classic text allows you to play all 129 exercises and 59 problems before proceeding with Love’s analysis. The average player will find a wealth of information on planning and executing end plays, while even the expert can use it for polishing his technique. Bridge Squeezes Complete Software Deep Freeze Standard Full. It is offline installer setup of MicroStation 2D 3D CAD software for 32bit 64 bit PC.
by: Larry Cohen
Linda Lee (ed.)
foreword by Bobby Wolff
320pp Paperback ISBN 978-1-897106-48-8
$22.95 $19.95 £14.95
Categories: Intermediate Advanced General Interest
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One of the most successful American bridge players of the last 20 years, Larry Cohen, presents a collection of his favorite personal bridge moments. Using an intimate ‘over-the-shoulder’ presentation, Cohen takes readers through more than 60 deals (no, not just 52!) — deals that are important to him in some way, or technically interesting, or just plain fun. The book's interactive style allows readers to follow the bidding and play, and even to make their own decisions at key points. Cohen discusses the pros and cons of different options at each critical moment, explaining the reasons for his own choice and why the winning action is also the correct one. Read this book for fun, or study it in depth and learn from it — whichever you choose to do, you will find it hard to put down.
My Favorite 52 was originally published as interactive software, and won the American Bridge Teachers Association 'Software of the Year' award in 2005. This is its first publication in book form.
Larry Cohen
A former computer programmer and options trader, Larry Cohen was for many years a full-time bridge professional and part-time golfer. Now retired from serious competition, he travels from his home base in Boca Raton, Florida, to fulfill his numerous lecturing engagements, and he writes regularly for several magazines. He has twenty national championships to his name, as well as two world championship medals. He is perhaps best-known for his classic book, To Bid or not to Bid, which at the time was the best-selling book on the game since Charles Goren's heyday (it has since been surpassed by 25 Bridge Conventions You should Know).
Linda Lee
Linda Lee (Toronto, Canada) is a retired project management executive who now spends much of her time playing bridge and writing about the game. A multiple Canadian champion who has represented her country several times at the world level, her blog is one of the most popular bridge blogs on the net. Her books range from beginner texts to a revised and updated edition of Clyde Love's classic Bridge Squeezes Complete.
Bobby Wolff
Bobby Wolff (Las Vegas) is one of the all-time great American bridge players. He started winning world championships in the 1960s with the famous Dallas Aces. Since then he has accumulated 11 world titles, 10 silver and bronze medals in world competitions, and over 30 National titles. In 1994 Wolff was unanimously elected to the WBF Committee of Honour, and he is a member of the Bridge Hall of Fame. His 'Bridge with the Aces' column, which has been appearing daily for over 25 years, is syndicated in more than 130 newspapers worldwide and appears daily at
'Larry Cohen's newest book 'My Favorite 52' is definitely worth reading! Larry sets the style, like Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio, where the reader virtually plays the role of kibitzer, but has the added dimension of having Larry's voice in your ear acting as a cross between your conscience and your high-level bridge advisor.
'Hand after hand (and every one is a treasure) takes the reader through the thought process of adjusting to the unfolding facts and making key decisions whether it be declarer's play, partnership bidding or top level defense. Through it all, and I can assure you Larry is a very thorough bridge thinker, he doesn't relax in his updating the reader on what direction to take to assure success, or, at least not to make a costly mistake.
'This book represents what Larry has always stood for, the best that bridge has to offer.'
— Bobby Wolff
'A major addition to the bridge literature, this well-written work needs to be read by all serious players.'
— The Denver Post
'This book caters for all categories of bridge players learning and being entertained at the same time.'
— Jon Sveindal, Norway
'A book that will provide you with many entertaining and instructive hours of reading. The memorable deals show off the author's talents as a wonderful teacher.'
— National Post
Cr2 to jpg converter free download for mac. 'One of the best (if not the best) I have ever read. It is instructive, sincere, pleasant and funny. I don't want to wait until 2029 to read your next 52 favorite hands!'
— Ignacio Jiménez, Madrid, Spain
'[A] treasure trove from Cohen's vast archive of interesting deals. The book is nearly as interactive as the software, and is ideal for someone striving to improve. I couldn't put it down!' A+
— ACBL Bulletin
‘Outstanding. Cohen has an easy-to-read style and explains things so well. Solving the problems requires the reader to be aware of the myriad of little things that experts do in the card play that make them better than other players. Almost every deal has something that will be instructive even for good players.’
— Australian Bridge
Links last updated Feburary 2020
BIG DEAL The dealing program Big Deal was used to generate all hands for the Olympiad in Maastricht, and might well become the standard dealing program for the WBF.
Dealmaster Pro™ has an unsurpassed array of powerful functions for Teachers, Clubs, and Players. The best deal generator. Hand records with makable contracts. Design your own travelers. Endorsed by the ACBL. Works with Dealer 4, Duplimate and all dealing machines. Find out more at
DEAL 3.1 – by Thomas Andrews. Deal is now up to version 3.1, and can be accessed at The latest release includes a built-in double dummy solver written by Bo Haglund.
Have fun with this neat little Bridge Hand Dealer from Jean- Luc Garneau. Note: I can only get it working in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.
Duplimate Card Dealing Machines and other club utilities can be found on Electronic Bridge Supplies
Bridge Calculator is freeware program that solves problems in the Bridge card game. It quickly solves the double dummy problem, has both graphical and console-based multiple languages user interfaces. It can import deals from files in many formats, like PBN, BBO .lin files and files generated by the KoPS program. Software by Piotr Beling
Bridge Calculators by Richard Pavlicek
Bridge Hand Evaluator
Bridge Hand Calculator
Suit Break Calculator
Dual Suit Break Calculator
Personal Deal Creator
Bridge Score Calculator
Contract and Result Finder
BACKAS FREE BRIDGE FILE CONVERTER UPDATED – it now reads OK-bridge files of .rec type in addition to the earleier supported file types. Reading of PBN has been improved it now should read %Import type of .PBN files correctly (previously only %export format). Click Here for HOMEPAGE . Kaj G Backas.
POST SCRIPT BRIDGE HAND Print those World Championship hands! – from Masakatsu Sugino- a Windows program that prints out bridge hand records in a graphical way from PBN (Potable Bridge Notation) format data files. The program is able to read and write PBN files. The double dummy analysis is performed with Gib’s engine. The graphical presentation is stored in a PostScript file, that can be manipulated with a PostScript viewer
BridgeMate: Wireless Scoring Solutions for Bridge. Bridgemate scoring system. (
Deep Finesse: One of the greatest tools ever invented to analyze bridge hands is a software program known as Deep Finesse. Once a deal is entered into the program, you can find out what declarer lines work and what the best defense is. All the deals in each set of hand records have gone through Deep Finesse. The program is very practical – it analyzes according to the cards as they are dealt, not according to what might have been. The contracts listed on the hand records are those that can be made with correct play against correct defense as the cards lie. Want to see how it works?
5/24/2014 – Deep Finesse 2014 v2 is now available. This version is 100% free with no unlock-codes or serial numbers. Deep Finesse now reports plays that make over and under tricks and shows which cards have irrelevant ranks. Download Now.
The ACBL’s Bridge Bulletin dubs Deep Finesse “Double-Dummy Dynamite.” See the full review by clicking here.
Previous and new users can upgrade to Deep Finesse 2014 v2 for free. Just download and install by clicking above and new features will be enabled automatically.
Will-Bridge App Collection (Windows only) presents 5 titles, something for all level of players. Download software. Some free options.
Bridge Solvercan either be downloaded to your PC, or accessed in your browser as a web-based application called Bridge Solver Online.
Bridge Calculators by Richard Pavlicek is a super-handy little list of different bridge calculators available online for bridge players.
Bridge Squeezes Complete Software Freeware
Bridge Calculator Free 1.9.2. If you prefer something downloadable, here’s a tiny bridge calculator available for Windows download.
Bridge Score Calculator is available for $0, 99 from the Google Play Store.
Bridge Calculator Free is rated 4.1 on the Google Play Store and ideal for making bridge score calculations on the move.
Bridge Matswill produce duplicate bridge guide cards (table mats) from an ACBLscore movement file. The output is a PostScript file that may be viewed, printed, or converted to PDF with GhostScript. Last updated in December 2013.
Compensation Table is a method to play duplicate bridge with only 4-players. It takes deal attributes such as high-card points, vulnerability, suit, fits into account and returns an expected result for the deal. The Table is generated with computer and is based on tens of thousands of deals from world-class events.
BridgeComposer allows entry and display of bridge hands in PBN file format; formats lesson handouts for bridge teachers. It also has a full-screen mode, formats web pages and emails, saves records of hands, deals random hands, has a double-dummy solver AND interfaces with ACBLScore, Bridgemate, BridgePad; and more. Reasonably priced, free 30-day trial. While there’s no version for Max or Linux, they offer a tutorial for users who’d like to get it working on either.
Bridge Squeezes Complete Software
Jeanie: Free Movement Software According to its description: “Jeanie is a unique computer program for bridge organizers, directors and scorers. Jeanie is the next generation of tournament director tools, augmenting and even replacing existing movement reference books.” You can read more about it here at its creator ASE Computing.
Bridge Squeezes Complete This interactive software adaptation of Clyde E Love’s classic text allows you to play all 129 exercises and 59 problems before proceeding with Love’s analysis. The average player will find a wealth of information on planning and executing end plays, while even the expert can use it for polishing his technique. Free evaluation download offers the first 14 exercises. You can also find the original book on Amazon here.
playBridge Hand Generator has several generators available for use, all to be found right there in your browser. Last updated 2017.
Blue Starships Android Apps – The Blue Starships mission is to to provide handy easy to use bridge applications for mobile devices. Currently they offer FREE Google Play Apps including Bridge Score Calculator, Bridge Bidding Box, and Bridge Diary.